Zhao Feng

  Name:Zhao Feng
  Gender :Male
  Degree:Ph.D. M.D.
  Professional title :Associate research fellow
  Position: Deputy director of department of environmental and epidemiology
  Deparment: environmental and epidemiology
  Research Fields:environmental and epidemiology
  Social Position:None
  Education resume:
  1989/08-1994/06,Hebei Medical University ,department of clinical medicine , Bachelor candidate  
  1997/08-2000/06,Beijing University of P.E. , department of Human sports science , Master candidate
  2006/09-2011/01,Capital Medical University ,Department of neurobiology, Doctor candidate
  Mainly to participate in the project:
  1. National basic research program of china (973),NO.2006CB500700 The basic research of mechanism and prevention of neurodegenerative disease. 2006/01-2010/12  
  2. key projects of The Beijing municipal commission of education science and technology plan,NO. KZ200910025001 The role of glial cells on the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and mechanism research. 2009/01-2011/12  
  3. “National biomonitoring program” 2016-2017