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唐宋 副研究员,博士生导师
  近5年来主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年项目和承担国家大气重污染成因与治理攻关(总理基金)研究任务等科研课题/子课题9项。发表90余篇SCI论文,包括以第一或通讯(含共同)作者在Sci Bull(1 篇)、Environ Health Persp(1 篇)、 Environ Sci Technol(5 篇)、Environ Int(4 篇)、Anal Chem(1 篇)等国际权威期刊发表论文27篇(中科院1区TOP期刊12篇),H指数31,引用>3100次。主编和副主编中文专著各1部,参编中英文论著3部,作为主要完成人制修订《室内空气质量标准》GB/T 18883-2022、《生活饮用水卫生标准》GB 5749-2022、《污水中新型冠状病毒富集浓缩和核酸检测方法标准》WS/T 799-2022等5项国家标准或卫生行业标准。兼任南京医科大学全球健康中心PI,中华预防医学会卫生毒理学分会委员,中国毒理学会食品毒理学专业委员会常务委员,中华预防医学会食品卫生分会委员,全国公共卫生与预防医学名词编写委员会毒理学分会编委,《iMeta》和《环境科学研究》杂志青年编委。
  1.Tang S, Li T, Fang J, Chen R, Cha Y, Wang Y, Zhu M, Zhang Y, Chen Y, Du Y, Yu T, Thompson DC, Godri Pollitt KJ, Vasiliou V, Ji JS, Kan H, Zhang JJ, Shi X. The exposome in practice: an exploratory panel study of biomarkers of air pollutant exposure in Chinese people aged 60-69 years (China BAPE Study). Environ Int 2021 Sep 12;157:106866. 
  2.Jia X, Jin Q, Fang J, Shi Y, Hou M, Dong H, Liu Y, Deng F, Zhou Y, Godri Pollitt KJ, Tang S*, Shi X, Cai Y*. Emerging and Legacy Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances in an Elderly Population in Jinan, China: The Exposure Level, Short-Term Variation, and Intake Assessment. Environ Sci Technol. 2022 Jun 21;56(12):7905-7916.
  3.Hou M, Fang J, Shi Y*, Tang S*, Dong H, Liu Y, Deng F, Giesy JP, Godri Pollitt KJ, Cai Y, Shi X. Exposure to organophosphate esters in elderly people: Relationships of OPE body burdens with indoor air and dust concentrations and food consumption. Environ Int 2021 Aug 5;157:106803.
  4.Guo P, Lin EZ, Koelmel JP, Ding E, Gao Y, Deng F, Dong H, Liu Y, Cha Y, Fang J, Shi X, Tang S*, Godri Pollitt KJ*. Exploring personal chemical exposures in China with wearable air pollutant monitors: A repeated-measure study in healthy older adults in Jinan, China. Environ Int 2021 Nov;156:106709.
  5.Zhao L, Fang J, Tang S, Deng F, Liu X, Shen Y, Liu Y, Kong F, Du Y, Cui L, Shi W, Wang Y, Wang J, Zhang Y, Dong X, Gao Y, Dong L, Zhou H, Sun Q, Dong H, Peng X, Zhang Y, Cao M, Wang Y, Zhi H, Du H, Zhou J, Li T*, Shi X*. PM2.5 and Serum Metabolome and Insulin Resistance, Potential Mediation by the Gut Microbiome: A Population-Based Panel Study of Older Adults in China. Environ Health Perspect 2022 Feb;130(2):27007. 
  1.Wang C, Kong Z, Duan L, Deng F, Chen Y, Quan S, Liu X, Cha Y, Gong Y, Wang C, Shi Y, Gu W, Fu Y, Liang D, Giesy JP, Zhang H, Tang S*. Reproductive toxicity and metabolic perturbations in male rats exposed to boron. Sci Total Environ 2021 Sep;785:147370. 
  2.Dong L, Tang S*, Deng F, Gong Y, Zhao K, Zhou J, Liang D, Fang J, Hecker M, Giesy JP, Bai X*, Zhang H. Shape-dependent toxicity of alumina nanoparticles in rat astrocytes. Sci Total Environ. 2019 Nov 10;690:158-166.
  3.Tang S, Doering JA, Sun J, Beitel SC, Shekh K, Patterson S, Crawford S, Giesy JP, Wiseman SB, Hecker M. Linking Oxidative Stress and Magnitude of Compensatory Responses with Life-Stage Specific Differences in Sensitivity of White Sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) to Copper or Cadmium. Environ Sci Technol. 2016 Sep 6;50(17):9717-26. 
  4.Liu H, Tang S, Zheng X, Zhu Y, Ma Z, Liu C, Hecker M, Saunders DM, Giesy JP, Zhang X, Yu H. Bioaccumulation, biotransformation, and toxicity of BDE-47, 6-OH-BDE-47, and 6-MeO-BDE-47 in early life-stages of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Environ Sci Technol. 2015 Feb 3;49(3):1823-33.
  5.Chen Y, Dong L*, Deng F, Cao Y, Fu Y, Zhu M, Qin G, Schultz D, Shekh K, Tang S*. Integrated high-throughput small RNA and transcriptome sequencing unveil the shape-dependent toxicity of nano-alumina in rat astrocytes. Environ Sci Eur 33, 95 (2021). 
  1.Tang S, Li X, Ding P, Mao Y, Deng F, Cha Y, Zhuang S, Ding C, Wang J, Wang Y, Zhao X, Jones RM, Kan B, Raina MacIntyre C, Xu D*, Shi X*. Filtration efficiency of face masks against aerosolized surrogate SARS-CoV-2 at different social distances. Sci Bull. 2022 Mar 30;67(6):565-568.
  2.Tang S, Mao Y, Jones RM, Tan Q, Ji JS, Li N, Shen J, Lv Y, Pan L, Ding P, Wang X, Wang Y, MacIntyre CR, Shi X. Aerosol transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Evidence, prevention and control. Environ Int 2020 Nov;144:106039. 
  3.Tse TJ, Doig LE, Tang S*, Zhang X, Sun W, Wiseman SB, Feng CX, Liu H, Giesy JP, Hecker M, Jones PD. Combining High-Throughput Sequencing of sedaDNA and Traditional Paleolimnological Techniques to Infer Historical Trends in Cyanobacterial Communities. Environ Sci Technol. 2018 Jun 19;52(12):6842-6853.
  4.Li X, Wang Q, Ding P, Cha Y, Mao Y, Ding C, Gu W, Wang Y, Ying B, Zhao X, Pan L, Li Y, Chang J, Meng C, Zhou J, Tang Z, Sun R, Deng F, Wang C, Li L, Wang J, MacIntyre CR, Wu Z, Feng Z, Tang S*, Xu D*. Risk factors and on-site simulation of environmental transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the largest wholesale market of Beijing, China. Sci Total Environ 2021 Jul 15;778:146040. 
  5.Dong Z, Fan X, Wang J, Mao Y, Luo Y, Tang S*. Data-related and methodological obstacles to determining associations between temperature and COVID-19 transmission. Environ Res Lett 2021, 16: 034016.