获得2023 年中华预防医学会科学技术奖科技奖三等奖。
作为项目负责人主持国家自然科学基金1项,环境所青年科学基金1项;作为技术骨干,参与完成多项省部级及以上科研项目,包括国家自然科学基金、卫生行业专项、大气重污染成因与治理攻关项目、环保公益行业专项、北京市自然科学基金等。以第一/通讯作者发表多篇SCI及中文核心论文,其中包括Building and Environment、Environmental Pollution、Indoor Air、中华预防医学杂志、卫生研究等期刊。
1.Na Li; Ryan Chartier; Yunpu Li; Zhe Liu; Ning Li; Junrui Chang; Qin Wang; Dongqun Xu; Chunyu Xu; Measuring and modeling of residential black carbon concentrations in two megacities, China. Building and Environment, 2024, 257: 111558.
2.Na Li; Yunpu Li; Dongqun Xu; Zhe Liu; Ning Li; Ryan Chartier; Junrui Chang; Qin Wang; Chunyu Xu ; Predicting personal exposure to PM2.5 using different determinants and machine learning algorithms in two megacities, China, Indoor Air, 2024, 2024: 5589891.
3.Na Li; Chunyu Xu; Dongqun Xu; Zhe Liu; Ning Li; Ryan Chartier; Junrui Chang; Qin Wang; Yunpu Li; Personal exposure to PM2.5 in different microenvironments and activities for retired adults in two megacities, China, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 865: 161118.
4.Na Li; Chunyu Xu; Dongqun Xu; Zhe Liu; Ryan Chartier; Andrea McWilliams; Ning Li; Junrui Chang; Qin Wang; Yunpu Li; Estimating elemental composition of personal PM2.5 by a modeling approach in two megacities, China, Science of The Total Environment, 2023, 892: 164751.
5.Na Li; Chunyu Xu; Zhe Liu; Ning Li; Ryan Chartier; Junrui Chang; Qin Wang; Yaxi Wu; Yunpu Li; Dongqun Xu; Determinants of personal exposure to fine particulate matter in the retired adults – Results of a panel study in two megacities, China, Environmental Pollution, 2020, 265: 114989.
6.Chunyu Xu; Dongqun Xu; Zhe Liu; Yunpu Li; Ning Li; Ryan Chartier; Junrui Chang; Qin Wang; Yaxi Wu; Na Li; Estimating hourly average indoor PM2.5 using the random forest approach in two megacities, China, Building and Environment, 2020, 180: 107025.
7.Na Li; Zhe Liu; Yunpu Li; Ning Li; Ryan Chartier; Andrea McWilliams; Junrui Chang; Qin Wang; Yaxi Wu; Chunyu Xu; Dongqun Xu; Estimation of PM2.5 infiltration factors and personal exposure factors in two megacities, China, Building and Environment, 2019, 149: 297-304.
8.李娜; 刘喆; 李韵谱; 等.空气污染物暴露相关出行行为调查方法一致性研究.中华预防医学杂志,2018,52(6):608-614.
9.李娜; 徐春雨; 李韵谱; 顾雯; 刘喆; 常君瑞; 刘静怡; 孟聪申; 王秦; 汉锋 ; 滤膜黑碳浓度检测装置, 2023-11-17, 中国, ZL 2023 2 0612082.X(专利)
10.李韵谱; 李娜; 徐春雨; 刘喆; 常君瑞; 王秦; 唐志刚; 韩克勤 ; 香烟烟雾发生装置, 2023-11-07,中国, ZL 2023 2 0729217.0(专利)